DM: (Reading text off a table) Fire comes out of all the orifices of the Psyker’s body and he melts from the inside, internal organs burning and his skin peeling off in an unnatural crackle. The Psyker falls to the ground and explodes in a burst of flames. The Psyker dies and all players caught in the blast radius of <roll> 19 meters receive <roll> 27 explosion damage and must test Dexterity v 15 or catch fire. If the Psyker was carrying ammunition or grenades, it has 80% chance to explode, as per the grenades or causing an blah blah blah more damage. Please tell me you're carrying grenades?
Velon: I got frag missiles.
DM: Missiles! How many!?
Velon: Uh, four.
DM: Scenery damage! Hand me the scatter die.

<a little later>

"The rocket sails through the hole in the station wall, blows a hole in the inflatable habitat, and the ork karaoke bar starts spewing Elvis impersonators into space."

<a little later>

"The daemon lord thinks this is way more fun than just Meteor Storm-ing everyone. That was too easy."

<a little later>

DM: The paladin's right arm comes sailing out of the globe of darkness trailing blood. It sails about half way to the far wall, then the howling winds catch it and suck it out into space with the rest of the atmosphere.
Lobos: Yeah, I think it's time to run away now. Full auto bolters just annoy him.
Velon: Pick up my charcoal on the way out. I burned a hero point to survive.
DM: And we now know that if you soak the remains of a vampire in a vat of blood for a month it can come back to life.
Lobos: We'll have to have another blood drive on the ship's crew.