GM: Your second day in the boat is uneventful.
ABEL: kerplunk....kerplunk....kerplunk....kerplunk...
GM: What are you doing?
ABEL: Throwing things overboard, watching the ripples.
NOGGLE: What can I practice my crossbow on without using up bolts?
GM: You mean in front of the captain?
NOGGLE: OK, when she isn't looking.
GM: You mean in front of the crew?
NOGGLE: When they aren't looking.
GM: <grits teeth> You proceed up the river!

CLONE: I walked through a portal, and this happened to me.
NOGGLE: Have you ever tried double dating?

GM: Bambi is off pursuing other adventures.
ABEL: She's a whore to a rich merchant.
BAMBI: It's what I was born to do!
Female Players: Ew.

ABEL: Get the slime ready.
SAP: What is it about this slime anyway?
ABEL: You'll find out. <snickers>
SAP: <ooc?> If this slime goes sideways, I'm punching people in the face.