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    Bugbear in the Playground
    LordCdrMilitant's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Inner Palace, Holy Terra

    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VII: (Edited for less context)

    Titus [Commissar]: I need someplace private that's not far from the Armory. Uh, is there a bathroom nearby?
    Me [GM]: Yeah. It's a fleet base space station, there's bathrooms all over the place.
    Titus: Then I duck into the bathroom, lock the stall, and start taking apart the shotgun to find what's inside it.
    ...several moments, a 1, and a uncontrolled weapons discharge later...
    Me: Your guardsmen standing guard outside are startled when the report echoes out of the bathroom.
    Titus: *exits bathroom* "Let's just say the mess deck has some explaining to do."

    Armessar [Ranger]: I'm going to hide in the toilet so I can see who comes in looking for the shell casing.
    Other Player: Where are you hiding, in the toilet tank?
    Yet Another Player: The Eldar have a saying, that sounds very fancy and insightful in their language, but just translates to: "If I fits, I sits."

    Me: ...and the techpriest leaves the bathroom, and doesn't wash his hands.
    Other Player: He's the worst kind of Heretic!
    Armessar: I follow him out.
    Other Player: Do you wash your hands?
    Armessar: No.
    Yet Another Player: The mon-keigh water is just as filthy as the mon-keigh bathroom?
    Last edited by LordCdrMilitant; 2019-10-07 at 04:26 AM.
    Guardsmen, hear me! Cadia may lie in ruin, but her proud people do not! For each brother and sister who gave their lives to Him as martyrs, we will reap a vengeance fiftyfold! Cadia may be no more, but will never be forgotten; our foes shall tremble in fear at the name, for their doom shall come from the barrels of Cadian guns, fired by Cadian hands! Forward, for vengeance and retribution, in His name and the names of our fallen comrades!