For several minutes, Vorgrok nods curtly at the grins and waves that are sent his way by exiting members of the audience. The sheer positivity of the happy throng begins to tug at the tension in the stocky dwarf's frame, and he begins to subconsciously relax. His furrowed brows lift, and the wrinkles that give evidence to his habitual squint briefly disappear. He seems even in danger of smiling when the last few stragglers make their way through the exit, and he strides off to the expected "all hands" meeting after the show.

Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
"I saw that you two were searching Myron's wagon. Did you find anything noteworthy?"
His dour scowl having quite recovered from his immersion in the happiness of the crowd, Vorgrok lets out an irritable grunt. "Snakes. More'n have any reason t'be here. And... somethin' ain't right in the wagon. Felt like we oughtta get more eyes on it 'fore waltzin' in." The dwarf looks around at those assembled, clearly scrutinizing the performers that remain for any ability to hold their own in a fight.