Quote Originally Posted by Grey Watcher View Post
His pants clearly only have one back pocket, on the right side. Since he readied his magic in his dominant hand first, he was forced to twist a bit to put the phylactery in his back pocket with his only remaining free hand. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it, no matter how little sense modern pants pocket on medieval/Renaissance-esque armor makes.
But...why? Also he's just hanging it on his belt. And I'm surprised he didn't tuck it away before teleporting back to a place he knows that Xykon and Tsukiko could be watching.

Good thing the hobgoblin 'janitor' had more than one pocket then, or else Tsukiko would have found something else along with a key.

Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
No, the first ring of defence was the outside of the cave - a narrow bridge over a chasm. Second was the first barrier (anti-magic) with soldiers behind it. And the third the last barrier, that turned you to stone if you broke the rules.

Grey Wolf
Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post

1) Orange Barrier that keeps foreigners, magic and foreign magic away.

2) Guards in the stairway.

3) Blue Barrier to prevent foul play.
Is there a comic strip where this is concretely mention? I thought the oak table might've been the "ring of defense" Durkon was talking about due to

a) it's a ring

b) the amount of rule-fu Durkon used meant only people familiar with the laws could use it to maximum effect. Durkon? Read that green book front and back. Gontor? Maybe skipped it over. Voila, Durkon wins.