"Everybody STOP!" yells Gigglespit, his tone full of authority (if a bit too high-pitched to have the impact one might hope). "I want everyone to take a moment and breathe, calm down, and put away your weapons. I need to speak with my friend here and see if we can settle down and see what is wrong. Can someone please ask the Kanbali family if I can use their wagon for several minutes?"

Turning to the halfling, Giggles smiles warmly as he walks inside the wagon. He leaves the door open a bit so others can listen discretely and says, "Hi! I'm Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback, but you can call me Giggles. I know we're friends, but do you mind telling me your name?"

"Um, I'm Nemia Bramblecloak."

"Hello, Nemia. It's plain that you're upset about something, but I think you might have made the wrong decision - hurting or killing people isn't the way to get everyone on your side. What is wrong? How can I help?"

"Oh, I don't want everyone on my side. I want the poisoners from Abberton dead or frightened away! That's why I had the snakes kill your ringleader and attack during the show. I didn't expect you to stop me, though!"

"Oh...I see...What do you mean by poisoners? Have the people of Abberton done something wrong?"

"Of course they have! They are part of a town, and people like them are always hurting nature and the animals and plants near their towns. They're noisy, greedy, and they deserve what's coming to them!"

"Wow...alright. It sounds like you don't much like civilization, huh?"

"Nope. And since I can stop them and no one else can or will, I have to do something about it."

"I think I see. Well, can you help me make sure no one else gets hurt tonight, at least? We have good people in the circus - including some children - and I am sure you don't want to really hurt them when they haven't done anything wrong, right? Especially if they can be convinced to be part of the solution..." Giggles puts extra emphasis in this question, making it clear that everything else hinges on Nemia's answer.

Nemia seems to take a moment to think about Giggles' request before answering. "I guess I can stop...the little ones didn't really do anything to deserve me killing them, but I'm not so sure about the adults. How can they help? People usually hurt nature, not help it...I mean, I came here to kill people and scare them away!"

Giggles gulps audibly as he struggles to try and understand this perspective. Taking a deep breath he continues to try and argue away from violence, saying, "Do you really want to kill people? Or just stop the poisoning of the land? If they can help clean up and stop hurting animals and plants, you would have allies..."

With a snort Nemia spits, "Not likely - I can't even get the druids to help me. No one wants to be nature's ally except me."

"Wait a minute! I could be an ally - do you trust me enough to let me try and make this happen without killing any more people?"

After a long moment of Nemia looking at Giggles seriously she nods. "I believe I could trust you enough. Do you really think you can help me save this area without me killing anyone else?"

Giggles nods firmly, looking squarly at the halfling and demanding, "I can help you, but there's a condition. You have to come to me before making any rash decisions, like hurting people or sending animals or plants to hurt them. Deal?"

"Alright - deal. So, how do we start?"

"Well, first we need to turn tonight around as best we can. If everyone is scared of you they won't let me work with you. Is there anything else around here that you have set up to hurt the circus people? We found Myron - that's the ringleader you killed, the bear, and the snakes in the woods. Is there anything else?"

"No, that's everything I've done. Well, that and the rats, but they won't be a threat anymore either."

"Alright, then here's what we are going to do: I am going to introduce you to the folks right out there. We are going to tell them that you came here to hurt people, but I've convinced you to stop. Some of them are likely to be angry - Myron was a really nice, good guy. Everyone liked him. I don't know what they are going to do, but I will stick beside you to try and help make this right. Ready?"

At Nemia's confirmation Giggles walks to the door and opens it to his allies. "This is Nemia - she's here because she thought the only way to protect nature was to hurt people. I think I have convinced her otherwise. We need to try and help make this all as right as we can, but I don't want anyone hurting her any - she wasn't a friend before, but now she is and I think we can make this better with her help..."