Quote Originally Posted by theKOT View Post
Don't get me wrong, I see the factors that make this less egregious, but he's still accountable for his actions and severely in the negative here. As someone else has said, many characters/the plot just shrugging this off only makes things seem worse because of the dissonance.
I actually like Tony but I want to say that for myself (and I think others that like him) it's not about his actions being less egregious so much as it is about accepting those mistakes and moving on. If you only ever saw me at my worst you'd think I was scum. Most people, at some point in their lives, make horrible decisions and/or lash out at those who they love and care for. That's not a good thing but it's also not an individuals entire existence. It's not the entirety of 'who they are.' Tony is a **** father whose made some horrible mistakes. I think he knows that - his friends and family certainly know that. What would be the gain in just ****ting on him? Try to force him to make amends for things he's done when he seems literally incapable of doing so? He's not happy that he's broken - he simply is.