Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
like how do armies work in pokemon world? are soldiers given pokemon with specialized roles? do navies command water pokemon to fight on the sea? the air? are pokemon wars simply vast armies of pokemon organized in formation while human commanders relay orders through the radio?
Lt. Surge was a Lieutenant in a military(originally he was American but that retconned to be ambiguous) and fought in at least one war.

Electric Pokemon saved his life during the war.

So at bare minimum, we know that there are military ranks and that pokemon are present on the battlefield.

If we ever do the Pokemon Cyberpunk thing, that might be a thing to explore—sapient pokemon, cyborgs retro engineered from Steel Types and various "animated object pokemon," with a symbiotic rotom providing the power sources and helping integrate everything Human/Pokemon Hybrids might be pursued for military reasons—a squadron of superhuman soldiers would be easier to train than a squad of squishy humans teaching tactics to animals that range in intelligence from "animal" to "about as smart as human, but there's a communication barrier."

An unscrupulous Government would pay a fortune for that, and if the region is controlled by a corrupt megacorp then obviously the Government is gonna be looking the other way in the interest of reaping the rewards.