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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Ironsmith's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: The "Rolled a 1" Game III - I Don't Want to Set This Thread on Fire

    You dust yourself off, pull out a card, and read it aloud.

    "You have no rights. Anything you say will be used against you. Anything you don't say will be used against you. You will recieve legal counsel at your expense. You will recieve a trial by a jury of your peers, who will then themselves be tried and executed for aiding a criminal. And you will recieve prompt medical treatment for any injuries obtained during your arrest."


    "Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you?"

    I roll to produce a list of swear words. (I believe that hole in my appendix gives me a +15 circumstance modifier.)
    Last edited by Ironsmith; 2021-04-08 at 01:50 PM.