Barabara's eyes scanned over the arcanist suppllies and mundane goods as well as the rest of the pier, her mind slowly turning over as she attempted to formulate a plan, stuggling against her relative inexpierience in direct combat, indeccision waring against impulsiveness. Much of this was rendered irrelevant though, when the armoured figure began the assult.

'No, no that one. Most likely to resist the arcane and most likely to be subdued quickly...' was perhaps a generous description of the thoughts passing through Barbara's mind in terms of clarity, but she didn't speak. Instead she brought her crossbow up to her shoulder and fired at the human in front of her.

Spoiler: Rolls

Arcana to check for potential oppurtunities with supplies around the dockyward.

To Hit: (1d20+6)[9]
Damage: (1d8)[6]+(1d6)[4]