"If that does what I think it does one of these thugs had a scrolls to achieve a similiar effect for longer. Just give me the word and I'll hit you with it."

While barabara is talking, she places the two longswords in the Pixiewart barrel such that they're not touching, then carefully places one of the acid vials such that a sudden impact would smash it. She then begins moving that barrel and a barrel of Gellermix towards the base of the crane. A barrel of Molodone was left near the water edge a ways further down the pier to cover any neccesary retreat.

"Very well Steph. You sabotage the drawbridge, and get on top of the crane arm. I'll be getting these in position below on the hook. Once these guards taking a plunge gets any others from downstais up on the topdecks, we can drop a suprise on their heads that's quite entertaining. I'll try and get to the controls unseen but if I don't we let the drawbridge do its work early.

Spoiler: OOC

Any rolls needed for operating the crane or the like?