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Thread: 3.5e Batman Campaign (2.0)

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: 3.5e Batman Campaign (2.0)

    Stephanie made a show of checking her crossbow was loaded and the sight was clear when the suggestion came up of drawing those up top, down the gangplank. She doubted her ability to evade that many over merely dropped their payloads on them, and didn’t want to end up disappearing like Red besides. So her eyes widened when Oracle volunteered herself for her own idea.

    Thunderstone,” Stephanie said simply, before folding it into Barbara’s hand. The bookworm likely knew more about one than the rogue did arcana.

    Stephanie moved unto the platform besides the knight then, and the straining platform was lifted into position. The wizard disappeared off into the unnatural mist. In the quiet she was strangely reassured by the unorthodox knight’s presence.

    The wooden red container was tapped lightly with the side of Stepahnie’s foot as they waited for the signal, pointed down at the crossbowman, and made a fist that exploded and folded back at each finger. The crossbowman and explosives are a bad mix, the warning went. She aimed her weapon down through the platform at where he roughly was, her next target obvious. The knight was pointed at and the crossbow acted as an imaginary kettle pouring into a cupped hand before the hand became a another fist, palm down, that suddenly opened up. Say when you want the payloads to drop. Interest in charades momentarily exhausted, she listened for thunder to know when to rain bolts.

    Spoiler: Feathersnow
    I don’t know what your plan is, but I’m guessing you intend to jump down eventually, so it’d probably be a good idea if you decided the best time to drop the payload(s), as it could potentially impact you the most.

    =First round=

    A thunderclap obligingly shattered the peace, and much movement answered below. The crossbow was aimed downwards at the only one still on the weatherdeck in the open.


    HP: 24 max.
    AC: 17.

    1, Move action reload the hand crossbow.
    2, Standard action attack the weatherdeck crossbowman.

    Attack accuracy: (1d20+10)[13] (+9 normally, +1 with elevation)
    Hand Crossbow damage: (1d4)[2]
    Sneak attack damage: (2d6)[10]

    Last edited by JoyWonderLove; 2021-11-17 at 06:22 PM.