The arcing frostbolt strikes Headshot's blackstone chest, and the sidewinding arcane missiles thread through the palisade and burst one after another in a pock-marking string up its right side. Jakk'ari's lightning scintillates across all six of his fingers, and leaps from his digits at the demon-thing.

And through all this, it bellows and rages on; the accumulation of chips and cracks to its body slowly building, but not yet hindering it noticeably. Its attention does track away from Felix and toward Jakk'ari, however...

Meanwhile, Tablesmasher takes the bait of Brokenhorn's goading and bulls through the display, smashing a fiery stone fist through the improvised wooden shield and square into the ogre's jaw and chest, sending him reeling, singed, and staggering despite a best effort to deflect the blow.