Quote Originally Posted by Volthawk View Post
While looking into Sean's further questions, Richard gets on the radio to relay his findings to their allied settlements. In particular, he wants to talk to Gunmetal City, as the last time he'd talked to them extensively about their position with the raiders, they had thought the raiders were giving them a wide berth, but with what he'd now learnt he wanted to be sure that they kept alert for anyone investigating their defences. He also wanted to stress the need to take this seriously, as after all they'd been skeptical about the ability of the raiders to capture Shelter 38 when Richard had reported their initial information about the place, but his new intel was very clear on what had happened to it - not only had they been able to claim a victory over the shelter-dwellers, but from how the raiders had described it they were able to kill (or enslave, he supposed - it dependended on how literally he took 'cleanse') every one of them.

He also asks around if anyone knew anything about Shelter 51 - naturally, as a sealed-up Shelter their contacts wouldn't have any direct contact with it, but nonetheless he was keen to hear anything of note about the surrounding area, raider activity in the area, that sort of thing. He still wasn't sure what, if anything, to do with 51, but he felt like it was worth asking about, just in case - given their status with Mailer, they could be a source of allies for the raiders if the exiles' campaign pushed them too hard, but at the same time they weren't so far in league with the raiders that they couldn't be brought on-side with the right approach. A dream for the future at the moment, but still one worth thinking about.
Gunmetal City is deeply alarmed by the new intelligence. They declare a new inquiry, sending over teams to the abandoned Shelter to pick over the bones and find out what exactly happened. They'll also shore up their fortifications, hire new guards.
Nobody knows anything of a Shelter 51. The location where the Shelter is supposed to be is infamous for heavy raider activity, so most people avoid it.

Quote Originally Posted by u-b View Post
Listening to what Richard has discovered, Sean has more questions:
1. Can we discern "northern factory and mine" location from the intel gotten from Stone? If it is not marked anywhere on the maps, maybe some travel times and/or distances relative to verious points are given or some such?
2. We have been given the location of a "Work Camp" somewhere in the north-west of the state, about 70 miles from the radar base.
2.1 Does it seem to be it?
2.2 Does it match the triangulated location?
3. Can we deduce anything on how many people are there? Roughly approximate numbers would be good for now. Related numbers (slaves/day, food consumed et cetera) also qualify.
3.1 Number of slaves.
3.2 Number of slavers.
3.2 Number of guards.
4. Any combat vehicles mentioned anywhere? In particular, anything more of a combat vehicle than a battle bus?
5. Number of people in a similar rank and position as Stone (also, approx is good enough)...
5.1 Here in Vermont.
5.1.1 Their approximate areas of concern, names, anything.
5.2 In total in the whole organization.
6. Any info they have on the mutants?
7. Any info they have on The Gutter?
8. Any info they have on Shelter 43?
9. When was Shelter 38 attacked?
10. Name and title of the head of the whole lot?
11. What happened to/at Point T?
12. How many teams under Stone have radios?

What are the tattoos of everyone we got? This Sean can check himself. After this check, Sean will help Waffle House men inhume the bodies as he probably does not have much more to do.


(OC: Richard will need to study the intel again for a day to answer those numbered questions. Richard, roll Intelligence Analysis again.)

Looking at the bodies of the prisoners and the dead, Sean finds more black neck tattoos. Some of them look familiar, some are new. Roulette wheels, four playing cards fanned out displaying aces and eights, the ace of spades, skulls, the suicide King, two dice showing ones, the number 77, the Old World dollar sign, poker chips, knaves...Stone himself has a fierce-looking snake coiled up and hissing open-mouthed.