Something in the Reveler's strange elongated form tenses, and two of its vine-like tentacles pull it closer to the ground. There is a shuddering like an earthquake, and the leaves of the massive grapevine trees rustle with the momentum. The totem spirit opens its mouth and low moaning sound fills the rows of the vineyard. The fist sized grape fruits hanging from the vines, many the color of dark plumbs, begin to shiver and shrink as the ground quakes settle.

The soft dirt at the feet of the Uratha begins mound and push aside as thin sucker covered tentacles of The Reveler break their way through. Each tentacle reaches up to an Anchor Wolf, the most distal suction cup expanding to take the form of a small chalice which begins to fill with a luminous dark liquid. The air is perfumed with the scent of fruit flowers, cherries and hard alcohol.

Spoiler: OOC: TC
“We’ve been good to each other, man, I hope you’ve been happy with our arrangement, we’re super stoked that you’re our totem,” Blaze said.
“We’ve got a problem though, these Pure have moved in our territory. We tried to talk to them because we’re chill like that but no bueno. So, we’re gonna declare a hunt and drive ‘em out, starting with their totem, a badass anger spirit. We got it’s bane. First of all, we’re totally open to any pearls of wisdom you might have, and second, what do you think, down to join up and hunt it down together?”
Let's safe this for after everyone drinks or doesn't.

************************************************** ********

Joanna's paw catches Brock in the back of the leg, just below the knee, her claws tearing out a clump of his calf. The man goes down with a scream. Landing hard on his back, Brock raises the gun and fires. No normal creature would be able to move fast enough to avoid a shotgun blast, but Joanna's powerful legs carry her out of harm's way.

(OOC: Brock Turner takes 2L damage and is prone)