Taking the team (sans the dogs) with him, Sean drives the car to Gunmetal and arranges a transaction there. This does not include a lot, as the lot of value, including the cars and the horses, is left at the Waffle House, but selling a flare pistol, a bit of assorted crap and adding in a few rounds yields a perfect-condition squirt carabine with an additional spare tank, a quart of high-quality concentrated herbicide, and a well-used well-duct-taped NBC suit, complete with an ancient gas mask. Sean then practices donning the NBC suit in the presence of both the team and the seller or seller's associated expert, making sure he does it right, and drives back to the powerplant.

At the power plant, Sean dons the NBC suit again, including the gas mask, letting observes make any corrections, prepares two full squirt tanks of working-concentration herbicide and gets ready to use it, telling Richard to cover him from some distance upwind.

Spending a point on NBC Suit, leaving 0 spare. The herbicide should not be too bad, but spores could be an issue mitigated if the suit is donned right.

We have a total of 180 squirts, but some could be left for a second pass if the first is not enough. Do I have to roll?