Pietro and Zdenko look askance at Harman as he collects the sword, but say nothing. They also root through the scattered bones as well for a few moments, until you decide to move out. There is a short hallway, also strewn with bones, and then you are in a large open room, some sort of dining hall and gathering place. At one end is a large open basin, with a very well crafted statue of several dwarven maidens pouring pitchers into the empty basin. Zdenko and Pietro spend a few moments admiring the details of the statue before Marina pokes Zdenko with a sharp finger and they get to searching the room. There are more bones here, but little in the way of anything useful.

It takes another few hours to explore this level; the tunnels and rooms here are a far cry from the crude workings below. The passageways are lined with statues of dwarves, and the walls and floors have been carefully smoothed out and in many places, covered with detailed engravings. You pass workshops, dormitories, more kitchens and storerooms and offices. You find bones, both dwarven and animal now, rats, cats, dogs and chickens. You also find garbage strewn about here and there, mostly clustered around what appear to be ventilation shafts. Here and there you can find natural sunlight filtering down from above. Marina takes a few moments to close her eyes and stare up at the light the first time you find one, ignoring the garbage heaped up at her feet.

You also find some cisterns with buckets and rope descending from above; these must be the wells from where the town above draws its water. You also find the fortifications overlooking the paths winding up the mesa; this is where you had briefly explored a few nights ago. You also find what must have been the main entrance, but it is now blocked by tons of rubble from the collapse of the roof above. There are also two places where the halls have been blocked by crude walls; next to one of them you find two broken skeletons, one of which has some mason's tools scattered around the body.