Elle and Artaith take a few moments to check over the bodies. Like the ones you fought previously, they appear to have once been humans but have undergone some sort of transformation with a much more bestial influence. In particular overly large rodent-like teeth and as you have experienced dangerously large and sharp claws. The tatters of clothing (if any) left clinging to their bodies and generally filthy state suggests a complete absence of hygiene or civility.

Philemon and Riaghan drag the bodies away. Thinking better of dumping them in the river, you drag them a hundred yards or so and dump them behind a small copse of scrappy trees. Meanwhile Eponine focuses on getting the cabin habitable and stokes a fire, preparing beverages and getting it ready for the night ahead.

Spoiler: making camp
It's about 7:30 at night (dusk/ evening).
Presumably you are going to 'make camp' in the cabin.
Taking watches? If so let me know the order (I'll assume that this is standard order and use in future too)
Any other actions prior to settling down?