Quote Originally Posted by PoeticallyPsyco View Post
I'd read that as "can't take 2 move actions in a turn", not "is unable to take non-move actions". Could technically be read either way, but the first one makes more sense since they specified that it can't take standard actions separately.

If we don't asterisk that (or take into account fixes like Dragonborn), this is -0. You could go all in on Swarm damage or something else that doesn't require actions, but outside of that, incorporeality is never going to be worth most of your actions.

If we do asterisk it, well, it's worse than Ghost, but is it worse enough to be a +1*? Probably, but maybe not. I'm very open to having my mind changed on that.
The fact that it is CR 0 pretty clearly points in the direction that they are not supposed to contribute in any way in a fight, so "unable to take non-move actions" seems the most reasonable interpretation of RAI.

Quote Originally Posted by loky1109 View Post
I had debating about it with matty_p. )))
Swift is out scope, because it's 3.0, so let's talk about free. One of free action is talk, but DS had specific clarification about talking. It doesn't need if DS can't do free actions.
Aaaaah! I was wondering why a way to immediately reset a CR back to 0 was not abused in every iteration of VC! Yeah, Free actions seem to be fair game, but most probably not swift ones.

Besides a beholder, a swarm may be interesting (an incorporeal swarm would be such a pain to kill, or to reduce to 0 HP), or a creature with some interesting aura. Of course, something with a gaze attack would be perfect. How do you feel about fighting an incorporeal medusa?