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Thread: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Gwynfrid's Avatar

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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

    That the Rabid Dog tavern isn't a place for Gurmok is made clear to him a first glance, and he's relieved that the group's longshanks manage to extract both information and themselves from the visit without triggering a hopeless fight. He contends himself with observing the locals, memorizing their features, while keeping Zen in check - now would be a very bad time for the beast's antics. Trusting Jarghun's tip is the best bet, if not a safe one, so he follows his companions through the streets. He was sent around the Inner Sea to discover and learn, and here there's some learning to do, mostly about abject poverty, extreme misery and depravation. The Katapesh that appeared so splendid for the first few hours turns out to have a side darker than even the worst parts of the Forked Teeth's caverns. At least his brethren, even the nastier ones, have some degree of community sense.

    Leaving this sorry sight behind, he joins the group in examining the building, looking for the best entrance. "If the roof is unsafe for our weight, then maybe we split? Half of us to the hatch maybe?", he suggests.

    Depending on what's needed:
    Acrobatics (1d20+5)[24]
    Athletics (1d20+3)[8]
    Last edited by Gwynfrid; 2022-07-19 at 08:44 AM.