First Sergeant Honor
Warforged Paladin of Conquest
AC: 19 HP: 54/54
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
Concentrating on:
5 / 5 d10 HD
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd
Lay on Hands- 25/25

Honor spends little time in the shop in Cyran Metalworks, neither haggling or idling. To be honest, he felt more than a little uncomfortable around the warforged aping a civilian profession. He felt a similar unease once upon seeing a mannequin in a shop window at Sharn- a distinct feeling that something had been perverted for a task that it was ill suited for. A being like Tank should not be hammering out armor and horse shoes and weapons, it should be armed, armored, and charging a warhorse into combat. But it would not be productive or polite to make a point of it. Instead Honor simply ordered the supplies he desired, waited silently for them to be accumulated, paid the fee, and left. The remainder of the hour he spent people watching throughout New Cyre, taking in the misery and desperation of his adopted people. He felt it strengthened his sense of purpose, but a dark part of him wondered if he just liked to drink in suffering.

Several minutes before the hour was up, Honor arrived in the square, his pack adding an entire new dimension of clank and clunk to his jangling chains as he walked. He'd picked up everything a warforged could need for self maintenance, or at least what could be managed in the field without a forge fire. When Adam asked if his needs were met, he simply nodded and vaguely gestured at the loud back pack. While he waited for the others, Honor naturally gravitated towards Adam and Svek. He was under the firm belief that veterans should stick together, and besides that the mercenary nature of Surge and Aanash was distasteful to him. He was undecided on the nature of the Iron Witch so far- she seemed committed to the cause of New Cyre, but from what he'd been able to gather she was a civilian during the conflict. Despite this uncertainty, he was warming up to the Witchling as a matter of simple brotherhood- he also felt artificial beings should stick together, and the creature's antics would sometimes bring a smile to Honor's face. If his face could smile, that is.

"The time is almost upon us. I hope the others come soon. I am eager to return to work."