Svek, Kobold Sorcerer | AC: 16 HP: 52 +9 /52 | PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 12
Spell Points: 24/27 Sorcery Points: 5/5

Svek sits around a little bored while the others rest, but not bored enough to go off exploring on his own in the Mournland. That's too dangerous. He steps back a little when the ghost forms, becoming slightly more comfortable when he sees that it is only the size of a halfling. But when the ghost mentions being a corporal in the Cyre's Seventh Infantry, Svek becomes friendly, and quickly walks over to the ghost, almost flying with his wings but just using them more for short hops.

"Seventh you say? Adam and I were in the Fourth. You all saw some serious battles if I remember right. You have my respect. I don't think any of us are spirit binders, but is there any other way we can help you?"

When he says none of us are spirit binders, he looks over his shoulders at the others to make sure that is accurate.
Spoiler: OOC

Action: [S] none
Bonus Action: none
Reaction: shield if needed
Object Interaction: none
Concentration: none

Spoiler: Notes
Duvi (Duvamil Sparklegem) gnome, Majordomo for Prince Oargev.
Haydith ir'Wynarn, Princess of Karnnath
Kellar d'Kundarak
Mialee, a Valenar elf who is training Oargev's troops
job in Kalazart (have map)
rescue salvage crew
Bring back documents
Kundarak loot can be sold to Kundarak
In New Cyre - Cyran Metalworks for armor and weapons
Dalsin's Wondrous Emporium - some magic items
Finas Tiyas, halfling ghost