Tabaxi Ranger 4/Rogue 3
AC: 15 HP: 41/60 PP: 18 PIv: 12 PIs: 14
HD: 4/4d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Spell Slots, 1st: 3/3 LR
Favored Foe: 2/3 LR
Restrain: 2/3 Dawn

Seeing the enemy looking right at him, Leaf realizes that his stealth wasn't enough. Nothing to do now but try to make sure the others don't get trapped in the sinking ship. He quickly ducks his head and calls out to the others.

"Everyone up! Now! One to the west, 2 north and 4 southeast."

He lifts his head out again, drawing his bow to seem like a threat but not aiming. Instead, he keeps his wits about him defensively, watching all of the archers to make sure he can avoid their attacks.

Keeping an eye out for any attacks, he then quickly moves to the south and then west, jumping over the port side of the ship in an apparent attempt to flee into the water. But instead of jumping into the water, Leaf uses his right hand to catch the bulwark on his way over, swings back to the hull, and uses his claws to climb 10' down the outside of the ship, continuing to be ready defensively in case any of the attackers try to shoot at him.

Spoiler: OOC
Action to dodge (all attacks at disadvantage)
BA dash
Movement: duck down, call out, then expose less than 1/4 of body to draw any readied attacks, hoping for 3/4 cover on any readied attacks.
Move south then west, climbing down the side of the ship 20' south of the western bandit.