R1T12: Alexandru quickly looks over his foe to assess its capabilities and then swings his hammer so violently that he is overcome by the fog of war (dazed).

R1T6: Zauberei, what do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
HEROES (Next hour): +1 bonus on Initiative checks, Perception, and Disable Device checks. +1 insight bonus on Ref saves & to AC vs. traps and when FF.
Angelo: 23.
* Light on sash. Mage armor (6 hours).
The Lopper: 22. (75:76). 5' off ground.
Paula: 19. TD!
Marius: 16. Polearm and shield. BLEED 1d6!!! DS (+1 AC).
Alexandru: 12. Hammer and shield. BLEED 1d6!!! DAZED til end of R2T12!!!
* Collective w/ Angelo, Hargrimm, Marius, Zauberei.
Zauberei: 6. Mage armor (4 hours). Quarterstaff in hand.
Wren: 5. Light on lab coat. Dagger. Light hammer in hand (will last four hours).
Hargrimm: 5.
* Akashic Bond w/ Alexandru, Angelo, Marius, Zauberei, Wren: THP (5), +1 insight bonus on saves, DR/ 1(noted on sheets). Note that Alexandru has 2E, not 1.
