R3T4: Hargrimm doesn't like the position he's in, but grits his teeth and throws another vortex straight up towards the Lopper just as the Lopper drops the axe upon him. The axe bites Hargrimm for 2 NE (+1d6 bleed), but Hargrimm's vortex blasts the Lopper screaming out of existence with a hideous screech!

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T23: Angelo, the Lopper is gone, but the dwarf is bleeding. What do you do?

Paula on deck, Marius in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
HEROES (Next hour): +1 bonus on Initiative checks, Perception, and Disable Device checks. +1 insight bonus on Ref saves & to AC vs. traps and when FF.
* All HEROES gain +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and rolls vs. fear (bless) for 4 min.
Angelo: 23. Whip in hand.
* Light on sash. Mage armor (6 hours).
Paula: 19. TD!
Marius: 16. Polearm and shield. RS.
* Ant haul & heightened awareness.
Alexandru: 12. Hammer and shield.
* Collective w/ Angelo, Hargrimm, Marius, Zauberei.
Zauberei: 6. Mage armor (4 hours). Quarterstaff in hand.
Wren: 5. Light on lab coat. Light hammer in hand (will last four hours). Lopper's handaxe. RS.
* Cat's grace til R42T5.
Hargrimm: 4. BLEED 1d6!!!
* Akashic Bond w/ Alexandru, Angelo, Marius, Zauberei, Wren: THP (5), +1 insight bonus on saves, DR/ 1(noted on sheets). Note that Alexandru has 2E, not 1.

The Lopper.