Quote Originally Posted by Rodin View Post
Don't get me wrong, less than 100% Cubetown (and less Claire as she is currently being written) is an absolute win.

It's just a really weird thing to do. If QC is a sitcom, then Cubetown is the spinoff. Only he isn't going all-in on doing a spinoff.

Chief O'Brien moves with his family to DS9, and we get introduced to a whole new cast of characters. This is required, because he has no contact with the old Enterprise crew. Throw in Worf too, even though it took him several seasons to move over.

Only instead of an episode of DS9 every week, we might get an episode of TNG instead. Or not. Who knows? They aren't running concurrently, and each show only gets an episode depending on the whims of the author that week.

Does that sound like a healthy setup?
DS9 would have been so much richer if they allowed themselves to break from their formula of "one crew on a space station".

Instead of Worf rebuking Gowron and getting exiled in Way of the Warrior, have him join Gowron and try to steer klingon politics. Show the growing emnity between Firebrand Changeling Martok and Worf, voice of reason. Have him have his own bloody spinoff plot, where he occasionally interact with the main crew and their Klingon issues.