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Thread: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Now that he’s closer, Crowe can see that the front of the driver’s side of the car has been crushed in. A bloodied man in his forties with dark hair and a close cut goatee is slumped against the wheel. Mercury is working carefully at the door and the frame of the car, trying to get it open without jostling the man.

    When Crowe asks him about injuries, the teenager numbly shakes his head, however, the hero can see that his left sleeve is stained dark with blood.

    One of the two girls is crying silently, and the other attempts to console her as Crowe talks to them. He can see a few cuts and scrapes on the girls, but nothing too deep.

    The girl that seems to be taking it all in stride looks up at Crowe as he corrals them away from the car. “I’m Harper, and she’s Hadley, and our brother’s name is Hayden.”

    Hayden’s eyes look watery as he sidesteps Crowe and looks through the passenger side window he’d crawled out of. “****. Dad!”

    He holds his head in his hands as he squats on the street. “This is my fault,” he mutters, squeezing his eyes shut.
    Crowe looks at the teenager's arm and nods. He was obviously in shock. He'd need immediate attention from medics, the girls would need to be next.

    Zephyr had nothing to say back to Stolas, so that stung a bit.

    He smiled back at Harper as she explained their names and nodded. She was brave as hell to take it all in stride.

    "So Harper, Hadley, and Hayden. Those are nice names." He says in a comforting tone. "That's very brave of you too, taking care of Hadley like that. It's all gonna be alright, Hadley. Can you be brave for just a few moments longer? You're doing so well!" He smiles at the crying girl.

    When Hayden side steps him to look at the car, Crowe puts his arm in his path. "I get it man, had the same thought when it happened to my mom, but I need your help with you sisters. Mercury is gonna get your dad and he's gonna be seen right away."

    He places a hand on the kids shoulder, granted he wasn't much younger than Crowe.

    "Trust me, man. I know it's absolutely terrifyin', but this," he motions slightly. "This was because of Marrow." Crowe makes sure the girls can't see past him and leans to him and whispers.

    "I don't know why you feel like it's you're fault, but you can tell me and it won't leave here ok? You have my word." He glances back at the twins. "Maybe a bit quietly though so we can keep your sisters calmed down too."

    Spoiler: Pierce the Mask!!

    Pierce the Mask: 2d6+3 7
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2023-03-25 at 06:58 PM.