Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
November 1st
Emi glances up sheepishly when mentions the tacos. “Sorry John. I’m just… not hungry.”

She seems to only be half listening while John jokes about AEGIS and Myriad intel exchange, but looks up again when John smiles at her. She gives a weak smile back. “I really don’t know what else you could do, John. You brought me dinner, you’re supportive… I just… there’s a lot going through my head right now.”
“It’s okay, Emi,” John concedes, disappointed that his offering a massage had been tacitly declined. “It’s more than understandable, given the situation.”

Keeping his emotions in check was difficult but he also recognized that it was what he had to do. Even if Grayson/Valèdeir‘s return had robbed him of the uncomplicated evening he had been hoping for.

Well, as uncomplicated as any evening that had agenda items of how do you break it to your friend that her missing sister—who is also into vampires—has arrived and that there was another greater demon in town who was working with the woman challenging Keith for his title.

“If…if it would help, I can cut short my visit and give you some time to think through what you need to tell Grayson about Valèdeir—although I suppose you could do that cuddled up with me if that sounds preferable. I’m not so enamored of the sound of my own voice that I can’t stay still.”

Spoiler: OOC: John’s End of Session

Bennies for Potential: 1d6 3 1d6 3

John Marks Two Potential and receives a Masks Advance
Above the fray: When you enter battle as a Team against a dangerous foe, if you have Influence over the leader and provide tactical input, add 1 Team to the pool. When you contradict the leader during the battle, you may return Influence over the leader to add an additional 1 Team to the pool.

John grows closer to the Team, feeling that he has made some connection with Terrance, who he gives Influence to. He remains uncertain of Sophia, given her initial rebuke, but wants to work with her. He marks Potential.