Quote Originally Posted by gorman View Post
But...wait...isn't that....oh....oh....OH.... oops... =.= Uhm... can I just.... sheepishly....like.... not exist anymore? I am not making things easier on myself. And that's bad. Though I had a job interview today, which went super good. Which might improve overall mood and morale a bit, also good. But will give less time for... detailed stuff... like remembering to check rules and the like... which is bad...
I don't want to fail the group, as a whole. If it's just myself that disappoints myself by screwing up... its whatever... I just...I can't... ='( I'm sorry....
I hope your job interview went well!

As far as rules go, I have a player in my real life DnD game who can never remember the rules to that, either. Some people just have a hard time remembering things.

For training specifically, the easiest way to remember it is that it takes a number of hours to level equal to the first number in their current level. (Level 10-19, 1 hour; Level 20-29, 2 hours; and so on, with Pokemon below level 10 taking half an hour to level.) The other restriction is just how much they can train in a day, which is the same for every Pokemon, no more than three levels. (Also, you can't train them that much every day, or they'll get tired. (Five levels max in three days.)

Did that help?