R1T11: Grum let’s out a triumphant ”Great shot!” as he watches the arrow slam into a mite. With his massive blade held aloft on an offensive style he barrels into the room to close on the nearest mite and chops down with brutal efficiency. Pink tried to lash out with a dagger but got completely murdered for its efforts. One nite remains to the west, adjacent to Grum.

R1T8: Camael comes in, and around to ring the bell of a very self-important-looking mite for 15 mod + 1 INT + sickened.

R1T6: As badly brained as he is, instead of returning with suicidal ferocity, the injured mite falls to its knees and speaks in a strange language. It holds up its insect-shell crown to indicate its surrender.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

Sal heads into the room, and readies his bow to shoot, but seems to recognize the body language of a surrendering enemy.

R2T19: Gwennid heads into the room, but moves to the far eastern end.

R2T13: Drake moves past Grum, and then lines up his machete to strike.

R2T12: Helena, what do you do?

Grum on deck, Camael in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracking

Sal: 28. Bow. READIED to shoot if Barple does anything treacherous.
* Ant haul (6 hours).
Gwennid: 19. Shield til R31T19.
Drake: 13. Machete.
Helena: 12. Bow & Buckler (-1 attack rolls w/ bow). Mage armor (5 hours).
Grum: 11. Juggernaut blade (Titan).
Camael: 8. Mace & shield.
Barple Stonebreaker: 6. (6:21, 1 INT damage). Magic stone (3 stones). SICKENED til R2T8!!!

Mite (2).