Well, that did it! A creature wriggles free, falling to the floor with a squelch, and instantly looks agitated, its little mandibles clacking.

Begin Round One ...

R1T20: Drake looks at the Small creature. "It's an overgrown horn caterpillar. Just a big bug with no mind. Watch out for those bristles," he says nervously with his machete, "they can cut you if you're up close trying to hit it. Here goes nothin'."

He attacks, but his nervousness with the horn caterpillar's bristles means his attack is too cautious and misses.

R1T17: "It has a web and poison, too," adds Sal, "so there's that." He steps back, "Here, Helena, I gave you some room so you can shoot safely."

R1T16: Grum, what do you do?