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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Apr 2020

    Default Re: Order of the Stick Trivia XXIV: What do I need a twenty for, anyway?

    Quote Originally Posted by enq View Post
    Well, she talked about him over and over without throwing his name in, so I think we can assume that she didn't know his name, yes. Your question.

    Quote Originally Posted by enq
    I would not be able to infer that from the strip. I always assumed it meant that it does bad things to Evil creatures depending on type (which is why only Sabine got banished) but Tarquin made his save. Unless there's another strip you have in mind.
    Interesting! I would've thought that "strong enough to resist it, which I am" is clearly not talking about a save he could've failed just as well - but if you missed that, than that's probably just my familiarity with the spell influencing the way I read the strip. This is how holy word works, if you're interested.

    Quote Originally Posted by enq
    I think it would be an okay question, other than perhaps the implication that we'd need to link all other strips to prove we don't know a greatclub's reach. Which, to be fair, counts against my question too, but I tried to make it clear it was only for the purposes of that strip. Find me a strip in which we learn the reach of one weapon but that of another involved is not mentioned. Would work. Not the current question!
    Rereading your question - you're right. You said "unspecified", not "unknown" as I had read and misremembered. Unspecified is indeed correct. Would you agree that "unknown" or the like would be pushing it too far? [EDIT]Wrong again! You said "undefined", which I'd argue is still a bit problematic, and perhaps what led to my confusion. But I understand that I'm being pedantic now, about a language that isn't my native one, so I'll quiet down.[/EDIT]

    Quote Originally Posted by enq
    (very reasonable commentary, followed by): I just think you went a little far in these two cases. I still don't know what ACF means, even though I've put plenty of hours into D&D CRPGs (though mostly 2E).
    Probably. I think we're not at any fundamental disagreement here. ACF, by the way, is short for "alternate class feature" - many classes in 3.5 are customizable to a large degree, with many splat books introducing options to replace this or that feature of a per-existing class (like a ranger's 1st level bonus track feat) with something else.

    for anyone who missed it: we have an OQ
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