Grum only heads south 10' before then heading down a narrow (5' wide) passage to the east for 25', then north into a larger chamber. As soon as he steps into the northern chamber ...

Surprise Round ...

S25: Sal darts past Grum into the room. "Grum, each side!"

S22: Camael also moves past Grum, but not quite as far.

S18-3: Something touches Grum on the side of the neck from his right, and touches him on the hip from his left. There is a tingling effect that threatens to overwhelm his mind, but he easily fights it off in fine dwarven fashion.

Begin Round One ...

"Hey! Celedons!" Sal tries getting their attention. "We let your kin Number Three stay alive. We're no threat to you. What gives?!"

R1T22: Camael holds for a response, but it is otherwise to meet violence.

R1T21: Helena, what do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracking

Sal: 25. Bow. Readied to shoot a celedon if it continues hostile action.
* Ant haul (5.7 hours).
Camael: 22. Mace & shield.
Helena: 21. Bow & Buckler (-1 attack rolls w/ bow). Mage armor (4.7 hours).
Drake: 19. Machete.
Celedon Blue: 18. (30:30).
Gwennid: 16.
Grum: 13.
Celedon Red: 3. (30:30).
