Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard View Post
Fire pit was mostly what I was thinking, is there any disadvantage to it? (the obvious one being time and effort). If someone comes across it, it's going to be obvious what it is, but digging new ones regularly is just too much work.

It's a 'burn whatever you can find lying around relatively nearby' kind of situation. The process of making charcoal makes smoke in itself IIRC, and you have to sit around for three days watching it, she might stumble across a stash somewhere but she's not going to be able to make it. gas cannisters might exist but she's not likely to find one lying around. High quality fuels are not very likely, because whatever she uses she has to find or make herself.

If she's by the sea, is salt curing viable?
If she can find ways to fish and they are lean air curing is very easy and can be done on the move. Oil heavy fish are harder but if you can get some way to pickle them that can work and could be a good way to store caches.