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    Ettin in the Playground
    Lord Torath's Avatar

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    Aug 2011
    Sharangar's Revenge

    Default Re: Order of the Stick Trivia XXIV: What do I need a twenty for, anyway?

    I'll take the OQ then.

    We've all heard about Calvin's explanation of "The Noodle Incident". (If not, please check it out: Calvin and Hobbes)

    What are two similar food-related 'incidents' in The Order of the Stick?

    Spoiler: I'll be away from my computer for the next week or so, so here's a clue:
    Both characters responsible are very similar to Calvin in apparent mental age: ie. around six or so.
    The 'culprit' in the other case references it him/her/itself.

    Spoiler: And here're the comics I had in mind. Do not open for 48 hours!
    Last edited by Lord Torath; 2023-06-30 at 12:44 PM.
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