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    Ogre in the Playground
    Maat Mons's Avatar

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    May 2018

    Default Re: Got a Real-World Weapon, Armour or Tactics Question? Mk. XXX

    Alright, so glaives. I mean the polearms, not swords. I've seen glaives with projections for hooking, or for catching weapons. I've seen swords with S-shaped crossguards/quillions. It strikes me that, while a crossguard near the end of a polearm wouldn't be much use in protecting your hands, an S-shaped, crossguard-like projection just below the blade of a glaive could be used for hooking or catching weapons. Was this ever done, historically? So, for example, like this thing, but with a polearm haft instead of a sword handle?

    Edit: Nevermind, I found one.
    Last edited by Maat Mons; 2023-07-04 at 06:58 PM.