R1T16: Muttering to herself, "damn ambush tactics", Bríg breaths in, and breathes out, smoke billowing out behind her, rising to the ceiling. Waving her hand, a light shower of rain falls on Aroden, the blood washes away and his wound begins to close (8 healing). She then cautiously moves deeper in, but doesn't get quite as far as she had hoped, considering she is reacquainted with the difficult terrain of the rubble of the tower ruins.

R1T15: Goblin Gold adjusts and shoots at Grathar, missing.

R1T14: Reiko takes a dangerous gamble. Moving among the pools of lights she gets up to Grathar - now dangerously exposed to the goblin archers she cannot see - and slashes the right shin of the goblin commando with her wakizashi for 7.

R1T12: The goblin commando withdraws farther into the turret.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

It's not much armor, but it seems Reiko's haramaki is enough to stop an arrow she didn't see today. Goblin Green curses its failed shot and pulls back a little.

R2T22: Mordren, what do you do?

Aroden on deck, Grathar in the hole ...