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Thread: Altogether [IC]

  1. - Top - End - #38
    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2023

    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Endymia took a seat, and forthwith was leaning back in comfort. She had an excited air about her, but she quietened down a bit as her thoughts turned to Blackwood. Her eyes were staring off somewhere as she pondered the possibilities. After a moment though, the elven man began to question her for more details. He seemed friendly enough, but she just couldn't tell what he thinking. She decided to answer honestly, considering that the party had welcomed her rather warmly.

    "It happened a lot like it usually does with high-priority jobs. I received summons from Hackford, and I was teleported here before I had a chance to think twice. It didn't have much in the way of details. Maintain the utmost secrecy, be cautious, and be prepared. But it did say that we were to rendezvous with you all, and make our way to Blackwood." The woman's voice lowered to a faint whisper for the next bit, so that those who would hear her would have to lean in. "And when there, we're to get rid of that enemy commander," her low, breathy voice confirmed. Again, she flashed a fanged smile - this time towards Evindal. "Sounds like fun."

    She leaned back and resumed her normal affect to answer his last question. "And of course the thing went up in smoke as soon as I'd read it." The petals were thorough like that - a quality which Endymia greatly appreciated. Fewer loose ends left her in a stronger position to do her work.
    Last edited by Olive_Sophia; 2023-07-13 at 02:15 PM.