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Thread: The End of an Era Part 1

  1. - Top - End - #123
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: The End of an Era Part 1


    The hoofs approach quickly it's one set, no horseshoes. But you can't see anything! Unless, a brief second before, you notice there's something in the snow, its shape outlined by falling snow as it leaps over you to the hilly side of the road. Mid-air you think you can see the shape shiftting and react in time as the creature materializes perched on the rocks grabbing the tree with its claw and lashes out a viscious claw at you, your keen senses save you from being flat footed.

    The Oni howls ferally with a maniac laugh that echoes through the valley, its claws are enormous and much like those of an oversized mole. It stands on the hill above you towering nine feet tall even hunched savagely. Its howl carries unnatural fear!

    Spoiler: OoC
    Roll will vs Fear DC 15.
    Monster rolled init 19, you can all act.
    Last edited by Auranghzeb; 2023-07-26 at 01:00 PM.