R1T18: Helena starts, stepping backwards. ”A phantom, he go back..” she shouts as she steps into her stance drawing her bow and launching an arrow through Garrid's left calf for 3 mod + 3 fire.

R1T17: Garrid charges the dwarf right in this path. A fist slams Grum right on the jaw for 3, so Grum barely registers the hit.

R1T15: Camael heads due east while getting out his mace and readying his shield, and on a J-hook maneuver turns back around and closes to flank Garrid. He swings the mace, but even after a charge the mace barely seems to skip off the surface of the ghostly man.

R1T11: Gwennid takes to the air and gets 10' off the ground. She materializes her spear of light and then when she throws it, it doesn't fly from her hand so much as creates a continuous line of light that burns through part of the dodging man for 6 light.

R1T6: "Okay, this ain't a ghost," says Drake. "It's a guy who lived once, but is now an phantom like a spiritualist calls up ... but unfettered ... and degenerate. Weak,actually. Use blades."

Drake takes his own advice, drawing his machete and stepping up and swinging. The phantom deflects the blade so hard that it affects Drake's grip on his weapon.

R1T3: Grum, what do you do?

Sal on deck, Helena in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Sal: 25.
* Ant haul (3.7 hours).
Helena: 18. Mage armor (2.7 hours). Stance of piercing rays.
Garrid: 17. (43:55). Charged!
Camael: 15.
Gwennid: 11.
Drake: 6. +1 Monster Slaying vs. Garrid.
* Bad Grip: NL only til R4T6, unless MA spent to fix grip.
Grum: 3.