Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
Ezekiel's grin dissolves rather quickly, and he sucks on the side of his cheek for a moment before replying. "Hmmm... I'm afraid that's probably a no," he says raising both hands palm up, "this is still a clandestine operation. Disappearing a wealthy and important member of society, or Emperor forbid, publicly performing some sort of arrest, is going to draw too much attention and raise too many questions. As it is, I am a little uncomfortable with how this team has engaged him to begin with. If he at all decides to betray us, we could be significantly compromised." He shakes his head, taking a moment to regain his composure, as his voice had been raising during the reply. In a forced but hushed voice he continues, "To be honest, he has the resources to have you tracked, and to hire all sorts of nasties who could come after us. I have already begun looking into a backup headquarters, though I fear that the options have all been even less accommodating then what we have now."
Arl listens closely to the conversation between Marcella and Ezekiel.

"Drimmle is part of the pipeline from orbit to the underhive. Now, to be frank, greasing the skids to deliver heretical weapons to the Underhive may not be Drimmle's only sin, just his biggest that we know of... Interrogator, if I could hazard a suggestion... a man such as Drimmle, willing to risk his soul for credits, probably has a host of other crimes to his name.

While we might not be able to touch Drimmle the upright banker, perhaps, with a word in the right ears, the Inquisition could target Drimmle indirectly, perhaps have the Credit Guild audit him within an inch of his life and see what other misbehavior rises to the fore. Once disgraced and cast out, it would be no problem to grab Drimmle the outcast and then squeeze him for every jot and tittle of information and then discard the husk like the pit of a ploin fruit."