Spoiler: OOC
To activate a Kenning roll, Laura spends a WP, bringing her down to 2/5. However, I did kind of lie to you, as I'm supposed to roll secretly for your Kenning roll. However, however, after reading your reply, I was going to ask for a Presence + Expression/Persuasion roll to see if Laura could snap Giant out of it. So I'm going to use the roll for that instead. I rolled separately for you Kenning. See below

'I don't accept that.' Laura replied almost snapping out the words. It wasn't Giant she was angry at though. 'If I did I would have never have left Arcadia. It's not over while she's still alive' She'll fish the faerie peach out of her jacket pocket
Giant's eyes go wide as if Laura had just reached out and slapped him. He stares down at her, mouth agape. His fists open and close three times before Giant finally speaks. "Alright," the massive tree says with a nod of his head, "maybe you are right and it isn't time to give up then. But... but what do you propose we do then?" He looks down at the goblin fruit, perfectly round and pink in Laura's hand. Pointing at the peach he says, "You aren't proposing we go into Arcadia now, are you?"

The peach is warm in Laura's hand, like it were almost a living moving thing. It's flesh is soft but firm, and for a moment Laura's mouth begins to water as the idea of taking a bite invades her thoughts.

Before she replies, Laura performs a quick Kenning. (OOC: I am going to let you describe exactly what/how Laura does this). Her eyes are drawn to the small and perfect hand-spade. Through her vision, Laura sees that indeed the object was from Arcadia. The handle was not made of wood, nor the head of steel or any other sort of metal. The entirety of the shovel was made of the same magic stuff that all things in Arcadia were made of; it was a homogenous mass of Faerie magic shaped like a shovel.

But as Laura looked closer, she saw that drawn from the base of the shovel was a long thread of magic that trailed off across the field. The Kenning revealed something like a web, or maybe a chain. When Laura followed the glowing thread with her eyes, away from this scene and across the grasses, she saw that continued and disappeared into a distant bramble of thorns.