S6 (Cont'd): Helena shakes her head to speak, but the combined weight of several of these magic attacks prove enough to drop both Helena and Grum!

End Surprise Round ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Gwennid: 22. ASLEEP til R50T17!!!
Sal: 20. Bow dropped. ASLEEP til R50T9!!!
* Ant haul (0.7 hours).
Drake: 19. Machete.
Green Tooth Fairy: 17. (0:10). DISABLED!
* Expended: Sleep.
Camael: 14. Mace dropped; shield. ASLEEP til R50T10!!!
Helena: 11. ASLEEP til R50T6!!!
Brown Tooth Fairy: 10. (10:10).
* Expended: Sleep.
Red Tooth Fairy: 9. (10:10).
* Expended: Sleep.
Grum: 8. ASLEEP til R50T6!!!
Purple Tooth Fairy: 7. (10:10).
Blue Tooth Fairy: 6. (10:10).