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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Prehysterical's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lawton, OK

    Default Re: The Royal Artificery Society - OOC II: electric boogaloo

    So, yeah... It's been almost a whole month. I didn't mean to fall off the face of the Earth, but things kept competing for my attention like grant writing and coming to terms with the realization that I might need to move out-of-state again to be closer to my mother. That's not to say that I have had no time, but it has sapped me of my enthusiasm for writing (as you can see from my history log).

    I'm trying to get back into things. Here is an Appraisal check for what Bolten would consider a fair price for the Imperial Records and Customs Office: (1d20+12)[13]

    How fitting...
    Last edited by Prehysterical; 2023-10-02 at 09:15 PM.