I haven't played the DLC, but I liked the Cyberpunk endings on the base game. You can accomplish a lot, but not everything.

Still playing DA: Origins, but saying much more will release another wall of spoilers and things that should be spoilered but aren't. They're doing a good job of making every story quest feel different, and I like how every random encounter is a legitimate threat, so you have to actually think about 'is it worth travelling more than I need to?'

Spoiler: ashes quest +mage tower

The decisions are getting easier. I'm trying to play a pragmatic dwarf who will ally with anyone in aid of fighting the blight( I broke character in Orzammar, because making golems was just too grisly a fate even though it would be super useful), and Orzammar and Redcliff had relatively tricky decisions, but it was not difficult to side with the nice polite knight man rather than the human sacrifice cultists. The cultist dungeon was a bit routine, but the gauntlet was fun.

I do like the gauntlet, I had Leliana and Alistair in my party, the two sincerely religious members, which got good interactions.

As for the mage tower, obviously I'm not going to slaughter the mages I need in my army, even though there is about fifteen left in the whole tower, including the Tranquil who cleans the stockroom.