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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2023

    Default Re: What Are You Playing: 9 Years since the Last Dragon Age

    You're not a super special chosen one in Kingmaker either. Just some adventurer who hit a home run. Kinda. The first couple chapters of that game do a lot to express that you're in way over your head. You're still the main character of the story, though.

    BG3 wants an ensemble cast instead of a single hero but my custom character ends up feeling like a last minute diversity inclusion who's just there to fill out the poster. As someone pointed out in the BG3 thread
    the whole plot can be sidestepped since dying causes the tadpoles to detach and you have Revivify scrolls or hit level 5 soon enough to cast it yourself. The party could round-robin cave each others' heads in, pop the tadpoles out, and be done with it. If so, everyone in the party would still have a motivation to adventure except for the main character, who'd just return to Baldur's Gate and whatever they were doing.
    Last edited by ArmyOfOptimists; 2023-10-12 at 08:57 PM.