Putting aside that BG3 has some pretty excellent visuals, and not just for an isometric RPG - I mean, if "genres with high production values" are one's primary concern, well, big budget shooters like Call of Duty rule that particular roost. But I'd wager at least some of us are after narrative, characters, and above all, choice.

I agree that Act 2 is on the linear side - you've got one mission for the most part, and all roads lead you there. But Act 3 is just as open as Act 1 if not moreso. You have three very clear objectives once the act starts, but a wide variety of paths to take in getting to each of them. You can be a standard hero, side with the villains, side with them temporarily and betray them, betray your allies, pursue their agendas, neglect them in favor of your own goals, succeed or fail in about a dozen different ways... etc.