Quote Originally Posted by ArmyOfOptimists View Post
Maybe I focused on the wrong things or I'm just bad at putting it into words, but what irks me about BG3's custom protagonist is that the story has effectively nothing to do with you. If the Bhaalspawn had been murdered in BG1, the best you can hope is that maybe Imoen takes your place, but she's probably not capable of it. If the Fallout vault dweller dies to a radscorpion, the water chip is never found and the Master's plan works. If the PoE watcher dies, the party can't get the information it needs to resolve the story. If the Wrath of the Righteous commander kicks the bucket, the crusade fails and the demons win. If the BG3 hero died in the nautiloid crash, really nothing changes. The origin characters meet up on the beaches and search for a cure as usual. There's nothing specific to your tadpole or your character, you're just one of dozens. It's not really a story that centralizes around your character being the prime actor - you're more or less a hireling.
It's not like the world doesn't hinge on the actions of the party. It's just that Tav specifically doesn't need to be in it for that to happen, and I don't see how that's a problem. It's kind of a necessary consequence of letting you play as characters who aren't Tav. It does put the entire party on equal footing and doesn't place anyone as a clear leader, which is just how you write a good multiplayer D&D campaign.

I'd say that's weird for a CRPG but BG3 literally does have a multiplayer mode. If you wanted to you could play through the entire game with three friends as a virtual campaign.