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Thread: Day of the Octopus OOC

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    DammitVictor's Avatar

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    Jul 2023

    Default Re: Day of the Octopus OOC

    Datafile: Kaine (no last name), La Tarantula

    Somewhere between one of the CIA's best-kept secrets and a campfire story for rookie SHIELD agents, Kaine is (was) a superhuman mercenary terrorist who is wanted for dozens of high-profile crimes spanning decades, mostly in Central America. In truth, Kaine was first created in a black ops laboratory run by the Weapon X program less than ten years ago, and has only been "freelance" for just over half of that time. Kaine was created for the Weapon X program by OSCORP in a program directly supervised by OSCORP CEO Norman Osborn and OSCORP then-employee Dr. Otto Octavius.

    While physically Kaine met-- and even exceeded-- his design parameters, he was quickly revealed to be psychologically unstable and resistant to Weapon X's medical and psionic control techniques. He eventually escaped custody and got into several messily public conflicts with Spider-Man and several of Spider-Man's known enemies, including Osborn and Octavius, before disappearing into the criminal underworld. Kaine is believed to maintain personal connections with several former members of both the Brotherhood of Mutants and the X-Men, though no obvious reason for that connection is known to anyone but Weapon X.

    As an artificial person, Kaine has no public/private identity or even legal identity. He's a "person of interest" to most intelligence and law enforcement agencies in North and South America under a variety of aliases, Any biometric analysis of Kaine comes back as a very strong partial match to his genetic template-- Peter Parker-- distantly followed by partial matches to the incomplete records any official agency has on him. A human eye might admit to some family resemblance, but Kaine looks a couple of miserable decades older than the young, clean-cut schoolteacher.

    At the time of this writing, Kaine has found religion at the most inopportune time and left the Gulf of Mexico behind with a six-figure job unfinished and a seven-figure bounty on his head courtesy of the Assassins Guild. While en route to Westchester County-- and the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, and hopefully Gambit-- Kaine has taken a dangerous and possibly lethal detour into Manhattan at the insistence of his over-active Spider Sense.

    Spoiler: Physical Description
    Kaine is a small-framed but deceptively wiry man approximately sixty-seven inches (5'7") in height. He looks like a grizzled, late middle-aged version of Peter Parker, except for the area around his right eye and the right corner of his mouth, which sag like the skin has been melted and is shot-through with purple-black veins; likewise, his left eye is bloodshot but normal-looking, while his right eye is a vampiric red and yellow. He wears his hair and his beard shaggy and unkempt to cover these scars, and wears mirrored Aviator glasses to hide his "bad" eye.

    At the time the game starts, he's wearing nondescript clothes that he looks like he's been sleeping in for days. Or maybe like he just got finished being laundered in them. Clean him up a little bit, and he might even remember he was quite the ladies' man when he was working.

    Mark of Kaine
    My Brother's Keeper
    Been Here All Along

    Affiliations: Solo d10 Buddy d6 Team d8

    Defective Spider-Clone
    Superhuman Strength d10
    Superhuman Reflexes d10
    Superhuman Stamina d10
    Wallcrawling d6
    Swingline d8
    SFX: Grapple: When creating web-related complications, add a d6 and step up your effect die.
    SFX: Web Constructs: When creating web-related assets, add a d6 and step up your effect die.
    Limit: Mutant: Gain a PP when affected by mutant-specific Milestones, abilities, or technology.
    Limit: Clone: Gain a PP when affected by clone-specific Milestones, abilities, or technology.

    Fractured Spider-Totem
    Superhuman Senses d10
    Mystic Sense d8
    Psychic Resistance d10
    SFX: Spider-Sense: You may spend a PP to reroll a reaction against an attack and include Superhuman Senses d10 if it is not already included.
    SFX: Saw That Coming: If your successful reaction roll includes Superhuman Senses d10, you may apply your Effect Die as a stunt die on your next action.
    SFX: Venomous Thoughts: If your successful reaction roll includes Psychic Resistance d10, you may apply your Effect Die as Mental Stress on your attacker.
    SFX: Gift of Prophecy: When creating a prophecy-related Asset with Superhuman Senses d10, add a d6 and step up the Effect Die.
    Limit: Psychotic: When you take Emotional Stress, you may step up that Emotional Stress and gain 1 PP.
    Limit: Growing Dread: When your dice pool includes any Fractured Spider-Totem power or any Asset created by a Fractured Spider-Totem power, both 1s and 2s count as Opportunities.

    Spoiler: Spider-Sense
    Kaine's spider-powers are more pronounced than Peter's, especially his Spider-Senses. Kaine's Superhuman Senses d10 represents both his heightened "normal" senses and his precognitive danger sense. Kaine is a fully-fledged precognitive and has frequent visions of the future, which the Watcher is cordially invited to use to steer him by the nose.

    Combat Expert d8
    Covert Expert d8
    Crime Expert d8
    Acrobatics Master d10
    Menace Master d10


    1 XP when you compare yourself to Spider-Man, either mentally or out loud.
    3 XP when you take an action specifically because it is or isn't what Spider-Man would do.
    10 XP when you accept or reject your ties to Spider-Man.

    1 XP when you first choose to inflict physical stress in a Scene.
    3 XP when another hero rebukes you for your violence or you threaten another hero with violence.
    10 XP when you kill someone in front of innocents or expose yourself to great danger to save the life of a dangerous villain.

    Spoiler: Development
    In the future, I'm considering adding Mystic Expert d8 and additional mystical Spider-Totem powers. Mostly stuff that could only be used in Transition Scenes: Healing, spinning textiles out of thin air, (slow) teleportation, spider stuff.

    Status Tracker:
    2 Plot Points
    1 XP
    No Stress. Yay!
    Last edited by DammitVictor; 2023-11-28 at 02:24 AM.