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Thread: Day of the Octopus OOC

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Day of the Octopus OOC

    Pardon for the rookie question, but how do we handle dice around here?

    What I think I'd like for Kaine to do is to start where you put him, but infiltrate the bank and pretend to be one of the hostages. I've been struggling with my third Distinction, waffling between "Web of Obligations" and "Saw That Coming", but starting off with this scenario reminds me of something I like to do with this character-- can I change that Distinction, one last time, to "I've Been Here the Whole Time"?

    Fits with his precognition steering him directly into the path of trouble.

    I'm thinking that distinction (or "My Brother's Keeper") d8, Solo d10, Wall-Crawling d6, Covert d8 to establish an Asset of "Inside Man".
    Last edited by DammitVictor; 2023-11-05 at 04:00 AM.